In Ontario, the Pugs have their "Pugalugs". The Aussies have their "Bounces". The Giant Schnauzer demands it's own gathering too... Introducing "Schnauzer Slams!" gatherings of Giant Schnauzers and Giant Schnauzer lovers in celebration of the breed.
We have one main event a year, with smaller local events year-round. Check here often for updates and upcoming "SLAMS!"

March 27, 2006

Lee's Pics from 03/26 Slam

Who me?
Look at my nice white teeth!
Marco! Polo!

I luv dese sticks I am Stan the Man
Mya says "Leave my boyfriend Nirto alone"
Pepe come! Pepe come! Ok, Pepe, you can come if you want to.
Momma loves her boy.
I promise I won't fight again if you take me off the leash!
I dare you. Try to take this away from me.
I had no choice. My Dad did this to me.
Ha, here I go with my stick and nobody sees me.
Did you look at the ground before you sat down?
He makes me do this for treats...yuck!
Anyone got an extra clipper here?
Doon loves to have his ears rubbed.
Dirty dog! Dirty dog! Whaaaaa....

More March 26th Slam pics from Craig

My mommy usually puts bubbles in my bath.
What's that red thing growing out of my head????? Oh, it's just Avery in the background.
Doon and Dutch in the Top Dog competition.
Mya looking for some action.
Christine and Karla trading secrets. Did you know that Karla is a TV star!
The boys riding the better way!

March 26, 2006

March 26th Slam Pictures

Schnauzer Swim

Schnauzer Snif
Look at us swimming!
We are free! Let's run.
One of these things, doesn't belong here!
Nitro and Avery. Nitro was great with him.
Mya the Bathing Beauty! I love puddles, especially ones full of goose poop!
Dutch sporting a new Mohawk!
Miss Lucy with Attitude!
What's so funny?
Lee and Karla
Kasia, they don't want you to play with their sticks!
Karla and Pepe
Group, without Christine of course, who do you think took the pictures?
Doon and Dutch trying to figure out who is top dog.
Oh, ya, love these puddles says Mya!
Avery and his flock of Schnauzers
Who has the ball?

March 23, 2006

Next Slam - Sunday March 26th

Sunday March 26th, 11am
G. Ross Lord Park
Just north of Finch, east side of Dufferin.

March 06, 2006

Pictures from the March 4th Slam

Lana and dogs

Gregg and Feja

Gregg and Glory

Gregg, Tracy, Lana and dogs

Schnazuer Sniff

Craig and Beth meet Kasia and Nik

Gregg and Hanna

Kevin and Bullet

Meeting on the pond

Mya smiling

Cute Bullet

Lana and Feja and a Very cute and available puppy

Standing around chatting

People with no heads

Bernie and Gregg talking

I wonder what they are talking about?