In Ontario, the Pugs have their "Pugalugs". The Aussies have their "Bounces". The Giant Schnauzer demands it's own gathering too... Introducing "Schnauzer Slams!" gatherings of Giant Schnauzers and Giant Schnauzer lovers in celebration of the breed.
We have one main event a year, with smaller local events year-round. Check here often for updates and upcoming "SLAMS!"

March 26, 2007

The Big One is Coming!

The biggest slam of all is coming up. The Giant Schnauzer Grand Slam 2007. It's our annual gathering of Giant Schnauzers to help raise money for Giant Schnauzer Assistance Canada. A group dedicated to raising funds to help Giants requiring surgery. It helps both the Rescue Giants as well as the family companions. But most of all, it's a time to get together, have fun, meet new friends and chat with old.
Saturday June 2nd, 2007

Hornby Park, Milton Ontario

12 noon until 4pm

Information will be updated as we go.

March 24, 2007


Everyone is welcome, you don't need to have a schnauzer to join us for the walk. Free parking, free admission, just off the 401 outside of Cambridge Ontario.

Any new locations for slams, are always welcome.
Is there an area by your house that we should check out?
Let us know at