In Ontario, the Pugs have their "Pugalugs". The Aussies have their "Bounces". The Giant Schnauzer demands it's own gathering too... Introducing "Schnauzer Slams!" gatherings of Giant Schnauzers and Giant Schnauzer lovers in celebration of the breed.
We have one main event a year, with smaller local events year-round. Check here often for updates and upcoming "SLAMS!"

September 26, 2006

High Park - September 23, 2006

Dutch and Bullet:

Pepe shak'n like a polaroid picture!

Beth and Glory:

Honorary Giants for the day:


Fun at the watering hole:

Pepe and Dutch hanging out on the dam.

Bullet struggling trying to get a stick out of the water. Glory getting out of his way!

That's better! Teamwork.

September 05, 2006

September Slam

Our next slam will be held on Saturday September 23rd at 12 noon.

Our Toronto owners have picked the place this time. It will be held at Dog Hill at High Park.
Dog Hill at High Park on Colbourne Lodge Drive
Free parking at Grenadier Restaurant (across from Dog Hill)
This is an off leash park. There will be several other dogs there as well.

Or see map: for a more detailed map.

We hope to see you there!